Mapping the campus of Loughborough University – in poetry.

Gar Den O’ Membrance

an I steps be
yond layer 1

through a 3
D printed


of iron gar
den gate

feet are autumn
oak leaves flat

orange brown
ground feelers

(feelers of
ground an

I is up

on) grass clinks sil
very spheres of

rain magne
tised by hopes

enfolded in
map-layer 2


is bent into
shapes of there

then (t)here is
printed as when’s


t(h)ree close
oak t(h)rees

point pins
@ a ref

erence gridding
an I’s mind






freshly sawn
pine scent

creeps its
creases across

smooth skin
s of things an

I’s eyes take
from in

nocence &
map’s layer 3

waits as A
black rect

angular hole
dug at The

back of a red
cottage hemmed

in by in

dustry’s sylla
bles an I rem

embers forge

tting an I re
members for

getting dire
ctions as an

I remembers

directions as
ground B(e)

comes A last
thought of

of mine

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